Document management

This section describes all functionality of document editor. Document editor page contain the following data:

  1. Documents management menu allows to view, create, reorder and delete documents inside template

  2. Document zoom functionality allows to zoom documents inside template. Allowed options: Fit, 50%, 75%, 100%, 125%, 150%, 200%

  3. Text heading allows to set the text heading inside document (paragraph, cell). Allowed options: Paragraph, Header H1, Header H2, Header H3, Header H4

  4. Text font allows to set text font inside document (paragraph, cell). Allowed options: Arial, Calibri, Courier New, Gergia, Roboto, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Verdana

  5. Text size allows to set text size inside document (paragraph, cell). Allowed options: Tiny, Small, Default, Big, Huge

  6. Text styles allows to apply styles to text, paragraph or cell. B - bold text style, I - italic text style, underscored U - underlined text style, underscored A - colored text, paint icon - colored background

  7. Text horizontal align allows to apply horizontal text align in paragraph or cell. Allowed options: align left, align center, align right, justify text

  8. Add link allows to insert link with custom text to the document Link functionality documentation

  9. Add image allows to add image to hte document Image functionality documentation

  10. Add table allows to add static tables to the document. User is able to choose table columns and rows quantity. Max value is 10x10 Static table documentation

  11. Add list allows to add list to the document. Allowed options: numbered list and bulleted list

  12. Page break allows to set a mark after which new page will be started in the printed version of the document. In the digital version it is marked as a grey line

  13. Split document allows to split document vertically on two equal parts. All content which has been added before applying split option will be added to the left part of the document

  14. Document options allows to open context menu with document options. Allowed options: Clone, Delete, Page size, Page orientation

  15. Right side bar menu allows to add dynamic fields, configure template details and template flow. Menu opens by click or opened by default for screen resolution bigger than 1920p

  16. Document editor area where you can add text, images, tables and dynamic fields

Content list